
Water refracting sunlight.

Executive Coaching

Multitudes define leadership. Knowing yourself is a superpower many cannot claim, and in executive leadership it is fundamental in elevating self-efficacy to meet the needs of the business. My approach to executive development is anchored in:

  • Authenticity What are the strengths and sensibilities that have helped you advance and lead with impact over time? What are your non-negotiables in how you use time and make decisions? Where is the growth edge you can no longer ignore?

  • Clarity Which people and what dynamics most impact your effectiveness in leadership, and why? Who are you most accountable to, and why? What kind of culture are you building every day, and is it intentional?

  • Resilience What types of support are accessible to you for building stamina amidst the many layers of accountability on your plate? What are your triggers? Your proudest moments? How do you rest?

A sand dune and sky.

Team Coaching

In this highly dynamic world, with layers of connectivity revealing themselves continuously, it is critical that leadership teams understand the ripple of impact they have on stakeholders, systems, and the world. Systemic thinking defines this work, which is punctuated by three fundamental ideas: 

  • Deep Awareness What do our consumers, stakeholders, and partners value? What does this team believe about itself? What are we learning along the way?

  • Principles & Purpose What is the highest form of value this team can bring to the world? What does the business require of this team? How does this team actualize the values and strengths that merit its position of impact?

  • Interdependence Do the members of this team rely deeply on one another in smart, sustainable ways, or is this simply a workgroup? Does this team harness its many assets as a single integrated force?

The moon in the day sky.


I support leaders in meeting human capital needs by helping them navigate the unexamined questions that can prevent their talent and teams from working as effectively as possible. Whether it’s designing solutions for engagement, delivering facilitation or training, or developing strategies around change in your system, supporting your leadership with a keen focus on culture and staff buy-in will always anchor the work.